Safe Harbor
An EU operation to tackle gaps in cross-border cooperation of training providers
Safe Harbor
seeks to strengthen the knowledge of the new legislation on the processing of personal data by training lawyers and other legal practitioners linked to the judiciary because they are primarily called upon to apply and interpret the law in order to protect the citizens from abuses, violations or injuries to their fundamental rights.
Our objectives
To contribute
to the effective and coherent application of EU Regulation 2016/679 and EU Directive 2016/680
To form
lawyers and other legal practitioners in EU Regulation 2016/679 and EU Directive 2016/680
To improve
cross-borders cooperation of training providers at different level
To expand
EU law general training offer
The Safe Harbor project
aims to cover gaps in co-operation between training providers and therefore European legal training for those who demand it. It therefore proposes to standardize European culture and legal training, especially in a delicate field such as data protection that is increasingly subject to interpretation difficulties and numerous violations due to the increase of ITCs, e- commerce, etc.
Innovative aspects of the project consist of training legal practitioners in a sector of law that has changed profoundly as a result of the reform (regulation and directive) by settling a cooperative network amongst public and private subjects which goes across many european countries.
Technology development
over the last few years has raised the need for greater protection of personal data as data sharing and data collection has grown exponentially, and personal information made public by citizens continues to increase.
Regulation on data protection (EU Regulation 2016/679) and Directive on the protection of personal data processed for the purpose of combating criminal offenses (EU Directive 2016/680) will allow the updating and harmonization of the data protection framework in some areas..
This website was funded by the European Union’s Justice Programme (2014-2020)
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